The Infant Room

The Infant Room {6 weeks – 12 months}


  • Unopened package of diapers, wipes, and diaper ointment
  • A minimum of 3 changes of clothes
  • We provide Dr. Brown’s bottles; please do not bring bottles unless there is a medical reasoning for using a certain type. {we might require a doctor’s note}
  • Formula or Breastmilk {unless you are using the center formula provide}


  • Each child will receive their own cubby space that has storage for their extra sets of clothing along with storage containers for diapers, wipes, and diaper ointment.  Each baby will have a storage container for the items that must be sanitized on a regular basis and pacifiers.
  • Every items that is brought in will be labeled with that child’s information and keep in their personal spaces. 
  • State does not allow pacifier clips, teething necklaces or bracelets, or blankets.
  • Please note that diaper bags are not allowed in the room but we can place on car seat rack.

    Once upon enrollment parents are required to fill out a “feeding plan” which is to be signed by a doctor, for their child. This will be updated every time parents decide to change their child’s feeding schedule or food selection. Teachers follow this feeding plan as instructed by parents unless the request is prohibited by state guidelines or Paths to Quality. Any food allergies or restriction must be supported with a doctor’s note for us to follow.

  • Parents will be able to see their child’s daily activities including (but not limited to) feedings, diaper changes, and pictures. You will also have the availability to communicate with the child’s teacher and/or administration easily if needed.

    The teacher will do activities with the babies such as tummy time, music/singing, reading books, working on head control, sitting up, rolling over, crawling, and walking. We do arts and crafts with them as well that help with sensory stimulation and give the parents memorabilia.   We follow the Foundation to Indiana Academic Standards for ages Birth to Five Years.


Welcome to the infant room

Infant-Toddler Background

Infant Safe Sleep Policy

Formula Permisssion

Infant Feeding Plan

Do You Have Any Questions?

If you need any assistance, please call us at (317)-878-2373. Or email us on :
Our office hours are Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.