The 1’s Classroom

The 1’s Classroom {12months -24 months}


  • Unopened package of diapers, wipes, and diaper ointment
  • Couple changes of clothes
  • Nap time items {blanket, fitted crib sheet, comforting items}


  • Each child will receive their personal space with cubby, diaper storage, and nap time cot with storage. 
  • Child’s items will be labeled and placed in proper storage containers


  • Teachers record each child’s daily schedule on their own daily sheet that goes home with parents everyday with the following information: Meals, Snacks, Diaper changes {every 2 hours unless needed sooner}, nap time, outside times, and any other comments or concerns that teachers believe the parents need to know.

    In our 1’s classroom we begin teaching the children how to sit together for circle time which consists of ABC’s, counting, shapes, colors, days of the week, and months of the year.  Some other areas that we focus on with them is story time, nursery rhymes, sharing, communicating using sign language and our words, coloring, cutting, and more life necessity skills that help them develop. We follow the Foundation to Indiana Academic Standards for ages Birth to Five Years.


The 1’s Classroom

Do You Have Any Questions?

If you need any assistance, please call us at (317)-878-2373. Or email us on :
Our office hours are Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.